
It Only Takes A Remnant

Unless the Lord of hosts had left to us a very small remnant, We would have become like Sodom, We would have been made like Gomorrah.
(Isaiah 1:9)
All that it takes to stay God’s hand of judgment is a very small remnant of the faithful. Are you numbered there? We live in a very wicked age. The sins of Sodom and the wickedness of Gomorrah are rampant. The only thing saving this reprobate generation is God’s remnant. If God chooses to spare us because of a few, what will He do if there are many? We need a revival in our churches. God’s people need to walk in obedience to His Word. Instead of fighting the world, we need to win the world. It is time for the remnant to shine and do the work of evangelism that we may fulfill our ministry. It is easy to see the awfulness of a sinful world. It is quite another thing to change it. Our nation is heading for the fate of the wicked. Let us be the remnant that makes the difference.