
Am I Avoided, Or Do I Avoid?

Now I urge you, brethren, note those who cause divisions and offenses, contrary to the doctrine which you learned, and avoid them.
(Romans 16:17)
The Bible is clear with regard to those who are divisive and offensive to that which is correct. We are to avoid them. If we are to avoid divisions and offenses in others, how much more should we avoid these characteristics in ourselves. As believers, we are to examine ourselves. We are to ask, “Do I bring unity or division? Am I pleasing or am I offensive?” One way to know would be to ask myself, “Do people gravitate to me or avoid me?” Fault-finding, complaining, and judging are sure ways to cause divisions and offenses. If nobody can do it right but you, most likely, you are wrong. It is good to question that which you do not understand. It is also good to make sure of your direction. However, this can and should be done without criticism or grumbling. Avoid these in others; avoid them in yourself.