
Elementary Wisdom

For by me (wisdom) your days will be multiplied, and years of life will be added to you.
(Proverbs 9:11)
Wisdom comes with a myriad of fringe benefits, one of which is a long healthy life. Therefore, we are to use wisdom with regard to the physical care of our bodies. This wisdom demands discipline. We are to discipline our eating habits. Fad diets are not disciplines. Changing poor eating habits is a lifestyle requirement.
The apostle Paul told young Timothy, “bodily exercise profits a little.”(1) This was in a day when people walked wherever they went. Although there were few machines to do the manual labor required on a daily basis, exercise had profit. How much more do we need it in our day? It does not take profound wisdom to know that unless we care for these bodies God calls temples, they are just not going to last very long.
You have great value. God has a lifelong purpose for you. To fulfill that purpose, we will need healthy bodies. It is a matter of elementary wisdom.

(1) 1 Timothy 4:8
Text For The Day
Proverbs 9:11: “For by me [wisdom] your days will be multiplied, and years of life will be added to you.”
Thought For The Day
“God only gave you one body, so you better be nice to it. Exercise, because if you don't, by the time you're our age [103 and 102], you'll be pushing up daisies.” Sadie and Bessie Delany, Christian Reader Magazine, Sadie and Bessie are sisters who live in Mount Vernon, New York. Sadie is 104 years old, and Bessie is 102
Questions To Ponder
·         How important are our physical bodies to the Creator of them?
·         What is the proper balance in caring for them?
·         How are you caring for the temple in which you and the Holy Spirit dwell?
Morning Study Guide
Defining:  “Exercise” is sound wisdom. “The exertion of the body, as conducive to health; action; motion, by labor, walking, riding, or other exertion.” Webster’s 1828 American Dictionary of the English Language
Referencing: “Exercise profits,” 1 Timothy 4:8
Applying: Use the stairway, not the elevator. Don’t look for the most convenient parking space; park and walk. Don’t eat late; eat early. Baked is better than fried. Green is better than brown. Water is better than your favorite diet soda. Eat well, sleep well, and live well.