
The Ultimate Truth

I tell the truth in Christ, I am not lying, my conscience also bearing witness in the Holy Spirit.
(Romans 9:1)
There are varying degrees of truth. There are truths spoken that are absolutely believed by the one speaking them. There are truths that are accepted as true because of tradition or custom. There are truths that change with the passing of time. Then there is the truth which never changes. Our text calls it “The truth in Christ.” The truth in Christ is above opinion, tradition, and even science. It is the truth that remains firm and unmoveable throughout eternity. Here is how we know if what we are holding to is the truth: It will be the whole truth, no part of it is the slightest bit a lie. It does not violate our conscience; it brings no guilt or fear. It stands with absolute certainty. The truth always bears witness with the Holy Spirit-that is, it never contradicts the Word of God. It is the “Truth in Christ.”