
Learn To Value Your Time

So teach us to number our days, That we may gain a heart of wisdom.
(Psalm 90:12)
We are for the most part given approximately seventy years of days in which to live our lives. As each year, month, day, and hour passes they are gone forever. All that remains of them are various opportunities and chosen memories. Therefore, we ought to take advantage of every moment of time given to us; because time is our greatest asset. It is not recoverable. Once it is spent, it is gone. When we take full advantage of our time we acquire wisdom. Each day is to be a learning and growing experience. Each hour is to be cherished. Each passing year should draw us nearer to the character of Christ. Therefore, live life to the fullest. Enjoy the blessings of God’s creation. Be blessed with your spouse and family. Treasure the fellowship of God’s people, and always number your days that you may gain a heart of wisdom.