
God Is Not Prejudice

For there is no partiality with God.
(Romans 2:11)
God is not impressed by your abilities, strengths, knowledge, or talents. He is only impressed with one person, His Son. Whoever has Christ, has the favor of God. Whoever does not have Christ, does not have God’s favor. It does not matter how good you may be, without Christ in your life you are undone. God only shows favor toward His own, and His own come only through His Son. Jesus said, “If anyone thirsts, let him come to Me…” Our education, financial status, color, nationality or age does not matter. Whosoever will may come to Christ. He is no respecter of persons unto salvation. He desires that none should perish. Therefore, there is no insignificant people in God’s eyes. Everyone is worthy of our efforts. Do not discount anybody. God sent His Son for them, and if they are good enough for Christ, they ought to be good enough for you.