
Idle Dreams Take Lives

The desire of the lazy man kills him, For his hands refuse to labor. He covets greedily all day long…
(Proverbs 21:25-26)
Unfulfilled dreams, goals, and visions kill the spirit of a man. Instead of his desires being a blessing and motivation, they haunt him with guilt. He has dreams and sets goals, but he refuses to work for them. His aspirations are real, but not real enough to cause him to achieve them. The less he works, the more he greedily covets his desires. This in turn drives him to envy, jealousy, and eventually the death of his vision. Dreams, goals, and visions are not for the lazy at heart. They are for those who diligently labor. They are not for the greedy and judgmental. Dare to dream. Set great goals. Acquire God’s vision for your life. Then, pursue them with all your heart. God honors dreams that work, goals that stretch, and visions that are clearly seen. Your desires will increase your life if pursued, or they will destroy your life if neglected.