
Humble Actions From A Proud Heart

Then Hezekiah humbled himself for the pride of his heart…
(2 Chronicles 32:26)
Our humble actions frequently hide the hidden pride of our hearts. We often times serve, give, and speak humbly, but our hearts are filled with judgment, arrogance, and disdain. We give and judge those who do not. We serve and expect recognition and applause. We speak words of humility, yet in our hearts they are words of self-importance. When you take a position of service, do not judge those who do not serve as you think they should. Bear in mind, you are a servant. When you give, do not give with a motive. If you give expecting a return, you are not giving, you are investing. Never give to gain control, nor influence; especially in church. Remember, the tithe is the Lords, not yours. When you speak, speak as if you are speaking the very oracles of God. Therefore, when need be, humble yourself for the pride of your heart.