
It Takes Courage To Live

… Behave courageously, and the Lord will be with the good.
(2 Chronicles 19:11)
Courage for the believer is an expression of faith. Courage is greater than bravery. Bravery manifests itself in a moment of urgency, while courage requires a commitment to a lifestyle. It takes courage to trust, believe, and obey that which has not been seen. It takes courage to go against the grain of the world rather than flowing with the tide of sin. It takes courage to stand alone when everyone else is standing against you. It takes courage to remain faithful in a faithless society. It takes courage to do right in the midst of a wrong environment. It takes courage to keep on, when everyone is quitting. It takes courage to tell the truth when a lie would cover your sin. It will always take courage to live in this world of which you are not. Courage makes one good, and “The Lord will be with the good.”