
Growing Complaints

Now in those days, when the number of the disciples was multiplying, there arose a complaint…
(Acts 6:1)
Growth always initiates change, and change always brings complaints. If you are going to grow in any realm, you must expect people to complain about the changes you will have to make. Change in the home may require a tighter financial budget. Change in your schedule will call for different priorities. Change in business may necessitate a shift in associates. Spiritual change will demand changes in all the above. Therefore, change will bring complaints. It is inevitable. Many of the complaints will be unwarranted. However, some will be legitimate. The unwarranted complaints you politely disregard. The legitimate ones must be dealt with in love, and expediently. When the apostles were no longer able to meet the demands of a growing church, they learned the art of delegating-correctly dealing with the well-founded complaints.