
How To Start Each Week And Morning

Then early in the morning all the people came to Him in the temple to hear Him.
(Luke 21:38)
We have heard it said, “You do not have to go to church to be a Christian,” and to a minor extent, it is true. However, it is so very foolish to think that we can stay close to Christ without staying close to His body. You show me a “Christian” out of church, I will show you someone wallowing in the mire of sin. There is no place in the Scripture for aloofness nor isolationism. There are no Lone-Rangers in the kingdom of God. It is the wise believer who begins each day in sweet fellowship with Christ through prayer and Bible reading. It is the understanding believer who does not forsake the assembling of himself with the body of Christ; especially on the Lord’s day. If you desire wisdom, and seek understanding, meet with the Lord the first day of each week, and daily in the morning.