
We Are Not To Be Outdone By The World

…For the sons of this world are more shrewd in their generation than the sons of light.
(Luke 16:8)
I hate it when the evil of this world outshines the kingdom of God. The sons of this world use “feel good” deeds to demonstrate their morality. They save the whales, and act as if they alone have the power to salvage the earth from man’s greed and destruction. The really amazing thing is that the sons of light say, “Amen.” Listen, there is not an animal on the face of the earth that is to have an iota of priority over the least of mankind. Furthermore, how arrogant of man to think that he is able to destroy that which God has designed to last until He says that it is finished. It is time for the children of light to put aside mediocrity and shine more brightly than this present darkness. God’s people have the truth. It is time to stand and proclaim it. Stop apologizing through silence, and shine, shine, shine.