
Look Where You’re Going

I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will guide you with My eye.
(Psalm 32:8)
The road of life is filled with pot-holes; and there’s one thing I’ve learned about pot-holes, if you look at them, you’ll surely run into them. Always focus on where you wish to go. Your peripheral vision will take care of the rest. When we live by faith, we have a spiritual radar that guides us. The Word of God says, “I will guide you with My eye.” Christ will not only keep us from hitting the pot-holes of life, He will instruct and teach us the road we are to take. Here’s the question, “How’s your driving?” Are you hitting all the pot-holes? If so, then most likely you are not receiving instructions, nor listening to teaching. Don’t attempt to take your own road. Christ has a way designed just for you. Learn obedience, and listen to instruction. He will guide you with His eye.