
This Is Jesus The King

And they put over His head the accusation written against Him: THIS IS JESUS KING OF THE JEWS.
(Matthew 27:37)
Jesus Christ was crucified for one reason and one reason only. His crime was proclaiming Himself to be a king. Rome, basically the one world government of the time, recognized no king but Caesar. The claim of Christ to be a king was an insurrection against the totalitarian government of Rome. The same charges are made today. Nobody has a problem with Jesus until He claims to be King. The world says, “Christ can have His convictions and teachings, but He cannot impose them upon me.” Humanity continues to vehemently rebel against His authority as King. Thus the accusation of the world remains true. However, the difference between Rome’s view of Christ’s insurrection and the world government view of our day is that He is not only the King of the Jews; He is King of kings and Lord of Lords.