
It’s Your Responsibility

Then He came to the disciples and found them sleeping, and said to Peter, “What! Could you not watch with Me one hour?”
(Matthew 26:40)
Leadership has a higher calling. Jesus went to the disciples, but He spoke to Peter. This principle also applies in our homes, churches, and every realm. Jesus is Lord of your home, but he will guide the head of the home. Jesus is Lord of His church, yet He governs the church through her leadership. Jesus is to be Lord of your business. Yet even in business, He directs through organization. We are all called to obedience. Leadership has a higher calling. If Peter would have watched with Jesus that one hour, I wonder what the others would have done? Listen,  leaders, He is still calling us to watch with Him-every day in prayer and personal devotions, every Lord’s Day in His house, the church. The Bible says that you are to be an example to the flock. Be one, watch with Christ at least that one hour.