
Taking Inventory

I was on the verge of total ruin, In the midst of the assembly and congregation.
(Proverbs 5:14)
I go to church. I’m even in a Sunday school class. I may even be involved in a ministry. Yet, I may also be on the verge of total ruin. There is a drastic difference in being somewhere physically, and being there mentally There is also a greater difference in being somewhere physically and mentally compared to being there spiritually. Please listen, you can play sports, games, and jokes; but you can’t play church. That’s a game you just can’t win. Your opponent, the devil, is just too powerful. We are to constantly be taking inventory of our real lives. We must candidly examine ourselves. We should ask ourselves honest questions. Am I teachable? Do I Listen with an ear toward obedience? Am I flirting with hidden or even open sin? Am I readily accountable? Could I be on the verge of total ruin?