
Watch Where You’re Going

Ponder the path of your feet, And let all your ways be established.
(Proverbs 4:26)
Man for the most part walks haphazardly. He doesn't look where he is going, and thus runs into the potholes of life. When I was a young man, I raced motorcycles. The greatest lesson I ever learned doing so was taught to me by my brother Jimmy. He would always tell me, “Tony, don’t look where you don’t want to go.” He would rightfully tell me, “If you look at the pothole in the road, you’ll surely hit it.” In racing motorcycles or in the race of life, you have to ponder your line. You have to know the path you’re going to follow. Always know where you’re going. Keep your eyes on the straight and narrow line, the line established by Christ. Ponder your life’s path through prayer. Establish your way by God’s Word. Do this, and you’ll keep the course, you’ll cross the finish line, and you’ll win the race.