
Finding Favor

Let not mercy and truth forsake you; Bind them around your neck, Write them on the tablet of your heart, And so find favor and high esteem In the sight of God and man.
(Proverbs 3:3 & 4)
There is no other favor to be had than the favor of God and man. God says that we find this favor through showing mercy and walking in truth. Mercy is showing others the same forgiveness God has shown you. It is not putting a higher standard on others than God has placed on you. Remember, from where God has brought you; and realize how much further you have to go. Truth should be obvious to the believer, unfortunately it isn’t. Elementary truth is simply honesty. Primary truth is integrity. Advanced truth is found only in Christ. It is advanced truth that we must seek above all else. For if we find and know this truth, all other truths will fall in line. There is a great difference between “a truth,” and “The Truth.” “A truth” can only help you. “The Truth” can save you. Walk in “The Truth,” and do so showing mercy, and you will find favor with both God and man.