
God’s Priorities

But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.
(Matthew 6:33)
Do you want to be successful? Do you wish to prosper in your work? Do you have dreams and aspirations for the good things of this life? Now, let me ask you an even more important question. Do you desire to please God? Of the questions asked, which has the greater priority in your life? I sure hope it is, “Do I please God?”. How are we to please God? We please Him by seeking His kingdom first. How do we seek His kingdom? We seek His kingdom by knowing His will for our lives. His will is found in His Word. We are simply to do what the Bible says for us to do. We are to keep His commandments. We are to grow in His grace and knowledge. We are to edify the body of Christ, His Church. We are to receive instructions in righteousness. We are to be worshippers and praisers of the most High God. We are to be kingdom seekers.