
The Two are One

“Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and they shall become one flesh.”
(Genesis 2:24)
The Bible says that it is not good for a man to be alone. God intended us to be people of people. That is, we are to function best with a helpmate-a partner if you will. The best union there is, is the union of marriage. There is no greater merger than that of a husband and wife. Marriage is to be the most intimate, loving, lasting of all relationships. Marriage is a wonder sacrament of our relationship to Christ. The purpose of marriage is to bring glory to God. Our relationship to each other is to reflect our relationship to God; and may I add, it does! If we can't love, honor, and respect our mates, how can we expect to love, honor, and glorify God? Love is a choice we make. It takes commitment, work, patience, and integrity. Remember, when God looks at you and your spouse, He sees one.