
Which Way Are You Turning?

I marvel that you are turning away so soon from Him who called you in the grace of Christ, to a different gospel.
(Galatians 1:6)
Life is fragile and people are fickle. It is fragile in that we do not know what a day may bring. None of us are promised tomorrow. Like the stock market, life has its ups and downs. There are times of prosperity and there are recessions and depressions. The fickleness of people is found in that it matters little what life’s conditions may bring. We can fall apart in the good times as well as the bad. Our ups and downs seem to be relegated by the mundane more than the sublime. A little offense or displeasure can bring about the greatest of turning, even the turning away from the grace of God. I have found that those who stick close to the things of God stick to the things of life, but seldom if ever the reverse.
If we hold on to life more than we hold on to God we will eventually let go of God. However, if we do not turn away from the gospel of Christ, we will not turn away so readily from the obligations of life.
Thought For The Night
“Oliver Cromwell, who took the British throne away from Charles I and established the Commonwealth, said to a friend, ‘Do not trust to the cheering, for those persons would shout as much if you and I were going to be hanged.’ Cromwell understood crowd psychology!” Warren W. Wiersbe, a well known international Bible conference teacher with a heart for missions.
Evening Text
Galatians 1:6: I marvel that you are turning away so soon from Him who called you in the grace of Christ, to a different gospel.
Looking for Answers
Evening Study Guide
Defining: “Turning away”: Head in the wrong direction, move away from that which you know is right and good, the fruit of pride.
Referencing: “The turning away of the simple will slay them, and the complacency of fools will destroy them,” Proverbs 1:32.
Applying: Watch out for the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, which will, without doubt cause you to turn away from the One who loves you with an everlasting love.