
Check Your Foundation

“This is the foundation which Solomon laid for building the house of God.”
(2 Chronicles 3:3)
Every great building requires a solid foundation. Likewise, our lives must be built on solid ground. There are three truths that comprise the foundation upon which we should stand: God as Creator, Christ as Savior, and the Bible as the eternal Word of Life. Psalm 11:3 rightfully proclaims, “If the foundations are destroyed, what can the righteous do?”(1) To paraphrase, our lives are only as good as our foundation. No matter how sound our plans and/or direction might be, if our foundation is weak our lives will begin to crumble. When they begin to do so, we can do our best to shore up our lives, but if the foundation is destroyed, our lives will collapse. Are the truths upon which you build your life located in sinking sand or are they imbedded in a solid foundation? Let Christ be your firm foundation and the Word of God your blueprints. Then when the storms of life come, you will not be moved.

(1) Psalm 11:3
Text For The Day
2 Chronicles 3:3: This is the foundation which Solomon laid for building the house of God.
Thought For The Day
“No belief system can be faulted by the fact that it rests on unproved assumptions; what can and must be faulted is the blindness of its proponents to the fact that this is so.” Lesslie Newbigin in Foolishness to the Greeks. Christianity Today
Questions To Ponder
Morning Study Guide
Defining:  “Foundation”: There is only one cornerstone, and there is only one foundation on which to build, the Word of God: Christ Jesus the Lord.
Referencing: “No other foundation can anyone lay than that which is laid, which is Jesus Christ,” 1 Corinthians 3:9-15.
Applying: If you are attempting to build your life on anything other than Christ, no matter how good the structure, if it has not the right foundation, it will not stand. Build your life on Christ and His Word.