
Secure Leadership

Hear, O Israel: You are to cross over the Jordan today, and go in to dispossess nations greater and mightier than yourself
(Deuteronomy 9:1)
Our sinful inclination is to reach down instead of up. It is our nature, because it is easier. It is readily seen in insecure leaders. They inevitably recruit below themselves. That is, insecure people do not want others around them who may be able to do whatever it is that they do better. If an insecure leader is an 8 or 9 at what he or she does, that leader will most likely have people around them who are fives or sixes, never more than a seven. Secure leaders on the other hand will reach above themselves. They will always attempt to recruit the best. If a secure leader is a 7 or 8, he or she will seek nines and tens. In reality any leader who tries to find people who can do the job better than themselves are already level 10 leaders. They realize that God is with them and therefore can achieve great and mighty exploits in His name. The skills and talents of others never intimidate them; instead they appreciate and covet them.