
The Bread Of Idleness

She watches over the ways of her household, and does not eat the bread of idleness.
(Proverbs 31:27)
What a word picture, "The bread of idleness" paints. It portrays a glutinous laziness and a lethargic outlook on life. It is an ugly picture. Those who eat this stale bread are inevitably excuse makers and use meaningless events and reasons to justify their idleness. They major in minutia and minor in the significant. Their minds are not only idle, but also prone to the easiness of finding fault in others. Therefore they are miserable and their misery is unfortunately contagious. This virtuous woman on the other hand does not eat such bread. She is careful to guard not only her household, but also her thoughts and words. She knows the ways of her children and cares for the needs of her husband. Her bread is warm and fresh. It gives nourishment and brings life to her household. Her bread is "The bread of life."[16] Which loaf are you baking?