
Reputations are Formed in The Mind

He who plots to do evil will be called a schemer.
(Proverbs 24:8)
Our reputations are formed in the mind. "For as he thinks in his heart, so is he."[25] Sooner or later, what we think will become evident that is who we are. God knows our thoughts and man will eventually find them out. Who we are on the inside will always be revealed on the outside. We can be sure that our sins will find us out.[26] We can and must control our thoughts. Let us refrain from allowing our minds to "free-wheel." Let us put the breaks on all run-away vehicles of the mind. Let us keep our mind's eye on the straight and narrow road set before us. For wherever we look with the mind's eye we will sooner or later look and go with the eyes of our flesh. "Whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just