
We Get What We Deserve

The lot is cast into the lap, but its every decision is from the Lord.
(Proverbs 16:33)
Whether the casting of lots was a vote or the rolling of the dice, we do not know for sure. But we do know that the Lord is in total control. He is never taken by surprise. If the casting of lots were a vote of the people, the Lord would give the people what they deserved. For example, during political elections, we will always get the leadership we deserve. When we consider some of the political leadership we have had over the years, that tells a lot about the character of the nation. If the casting of lots were simply a chance roll, again, God knows and the results will never take Him by surprise. We will always get our merit. Whether drawing straws or voting, every decision is of the Lord. Let us therefore realize that nothing happens by chance in the life of a believer. Let us vote and let us choose, but let us also realize that we get what we deserve and that God is in control.