
A Fool In His Folly

Let a man meet a bear robbed of her cubs, rather than a fool in his folly.
(Proverbs 17:12)
The analogy is almost too radical to grasp. Nevertheless, "God be true but every man a liar."[1] There is little more dangerous in the wild than to deal with a she bear and her cubs. Likewise there is little more dangerous in the dealings of life than to come across a fool in his folly. A fool's folly is his or her unreasonable actions. There is no reasoning with a fool, because the dealings of a fool are void of reason. Fools act on emotion or impulse. Their danger is in their certainty and zeal. They appear so very certain in their dealings that there is a danger that this action could possibly draw others into their foolishness. A fool in his or her folly offers deals too good to be true. Because they are so blinded by their self-confidence, it is hard to resist their invitations. It is for this reason that the fool in his folly is so very dangerous. Avoid him.

[1] Romans 3:4