
A Truth Is Not The Truth

"Everyone who is of the truth hears My voice." Pilate said to Him, "What is truth?" ,
(John 18:37-38)
There are many truths in the world, but there is only one who is the Truth. That one is the Lord Jesus Christ. Pilate, as a leader had heard and I'm sure studied many philosophies and teachings: everything from Greek mythology to Roman paganism. Therefore His question, "What is truth?" came from a lifetime of at best partial truths. For example, it was a truth that Rome ruled Palestine and much of the world's governments. However, this is only a partial truth, for God is the ultimate ruler of not only Palestine and the world, but the universe as well. Therefore "The truth" will always negate "A truth." The truths of man cannot compare or stand up to the truths of God. No matter how clear they may appear, man's truths pare in comparison. Let us always question the truths of this world, but let us embrace the truth of God, Jesus Christ.