
The Attitudes of the Poor and the Rich

The poor man uses entreaties, but the rich answers roughly.
(Proverbs 18:23)
I do not know nor do I understand the full meaning of this proverb. Nevertheless it is not to be ignored. Whether poverty brings humility and wealth brings arrogance or impoverished are insecure and the rich are confident we must learn from what understanding we do have. If the wealthy are prone to arrogance, then let the wealthy be aware of that propensity. If the poor are beggarly, then let the poor acquire a little more confidence. Neither is of greater value to God than the other. Both are created in His image. Let neither the wealthy boast in their wealth nor the impoverished wallow in their poverty. Let both humble themselves under the mighty hand of God and seek to do His will. If poor seek the riches that are in Christ Jesus. If rich, use your riches to the glory of God. Let neither boast in their condition, but let all serve with humility, being thankful for all things.