
God's Vengeance

O Lord God, to whom vengeance belongs
(Psalm 94:1)
The scriptures are clear; three times we hear the phrase, "Vengeance is Mine."[6] Anytime we attempt to get back at someone who hurts us or misuses us; we are taking what belongs to God. We are robbing God. Vengeance belongs to Him, not us. Furthermore a vengeful attitude is a cancer of the mind. It destroys joy, peace and any other godly attribute that one may have had. I am not saying that we are to be whipping posts for the froward, but I am saying that attempting to get even never truly satisfies. When someone wrongs you, instead of seeking vengeance, seek correction, forgiveness and healing. Never respond in kind to ignorance, spite or hatred. In reality, nothing is more vengeful than not seeking vengeance. When we treat ignorance, spitefulness and hatred with kindness, mercy and understanding, this is the beginning of God's vengeance.