
Avoiding Depreciating Debt

Prepare your outside work, make it fit for yourself in the field; and afterward build your house.
(Proverbs 24:27)
Here we have the simplest of instructions for prioritizing our work. May I take a liberty and paraphrase this proverb? Get a job and then build your dream. I know that this might sound overly simplified, but unfortunately many if not most people do the opposite: they purchase and then attempt to pay. It is called debt. Think about the conniving most people have to do to qualify for a loan. If you have to borrow to borrow, you cannot afford the debt you are attempting to inter. It does not honor God to get into depreciating debt. To buy what we cannot afford is not to be called faith. It is poor stewardship. Think about the foolishness of the person who says that they cannot afford to repair their car, but can afford a new car payment. Let me give you a very simple formula: work, save and then buy. If you attempt to reverse the equation all you will end up with is work.