
A Pure Heart

The way of a guilty man is perverse; but as for the pure, his work is right.
(Proverbs 21:8)
No matter how hard we attempt to hide our guilt, the Scriptures are clear, "Be sure your sin will find you out."[15] When there is sin in the camp, that sin cannot be hidden. No matter how we attempt to do right, when there is known sin in our lives our ways will prove to be perverse. Failure will prove to be the ultimate end. On the other hand, those who function from a pure heart are at pace in their endeavors. These are those whose hearts have been made pure by the cleansing power of God which is found in Christ Jesus. Christ and Christ only can purify the heart of man. It is not our goodness, but His goodness in us that cleanses and purifies. Our work will always be right when we walk in obedience to Him. For there will be no perversity in the heart of those who are focused on God's goodness. The psalmist sums it up so beautifully, "Truly God is good