
Lest We Forget

When they had pasture, they were filled; they were filled and their heart was exalted; Therefore they forgot Me.
(Hosea 13:6)
When I reflect back on my life, I am ashamed of my lack of thanksgiving for the mercies and goodness of God. There were times that I prayed fervently for this or that - pleading with God to answer my prayer. Then when He did answer according to His time and His ways, I thought that I did it myself and forgot God. And I do not think that I am alone in this. I wonder what would happen if we were as thankful as we think we are needy?  How do you think God would respond if we spent as much time giving thanks as we do making requests? I do not know the numbers, but I am fairly sure that for every one time the Bible talks about making request it multiplied times speaks of being thankful. Think about this with me: There seems to be a direct proportion between not forgetting God and being thankful. Let us stop, look around and remember our God by thanking Him right now.