
There is Another Side

But these speak evil of whatever they do not know…
(Jude 1:10)
One thing I know about any given situation is: there is at least one thing I do not know about it. No matter how clear one side of a story may be, there remains another side. No matter how something appears, there is always another view. Proverbs says, “The first one to plead his cause seems right, Until his neighbor comes and examines him.” Herein is a key reason not to judge another. There is always at least one thing you do not know. When we judge without all the facts, we end up speaking evil of whatever we do not know. Instead of condemning another, we condemn ourselves. If we find ourselves speaking evil of another, let us stop and remember that we do not know all the facts. We do not know the motive or the hidden things of the heart. Let me say again: There is always at least one thing we do not know.