
Which Way are You Turning?

The more they increased, the more they sinned against Me…
(Hosea 4:7)
Here we have one of the more foolish natures of mankind. Instead of being grateful and thankful for prosperity, we inevitably become arrogant and more sinful. The more we prosper the further we turn from the one who has prospered us. Instead of being in His house on the Lord’s day, we are on our boats. Instead of giving our firstfruits as tithes and offerings we spend them on our pleasures. Now, there is nothing wrong with boats and pleasure, but these are not to have priority over the things of God. God does not merely prosper us for our own pleasure; He prospers us for His good pleasure. Consider the increase in your life. What are you doing with it? Has it drawn you closer to Christ or has it caused you to turn to the lust of the world? Job said, “The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away."  Likewise, the Lord has given you increase and the Lord can take it away.