
The Limits of Leadership

When a land sins against Me by persistent unfaithfulness… Even if… Noah, Daniel, and Job, were in it, they would deliver only themselves by their righteousness.
(Ezekiel 14:13-14)
Leadership is of great importance, but leadership cannot take the place of personal responsibility. The godliest of parents cannot redeem an unfaithful child nor the most righteous of governments cannot save a faithless people. There is only One whose goodness and righteousness can save a land and redeem a people, and that is Christ’s. The laws of Moses could not do it. The patience of Job could not accomplish it. Noah’s ark could only physically save himself and his family. Even the godliness and wisdom of Daniel was not enough to keep ancient Babylon from falling. There is a price to pay for our persistent unfaithfulness. Christ the Redeemer is also Christ the Judge. We cannot continue in godlessness and unrighteousness and expect not to fearfully fall into the hands of the living God. Let us, therefore, change our persistent unfaithfulness into persistent faithfulness and be delivered by the Son of God.