
Good Works Are Profitable

This is a faithful saying…those who believe have believed in God should be careful to maintain good works. These things are good and profitable to men.
(Titus 3:8)
If we say that we believe in God, the manner of our lives should show it. If I say that I believe in God, but do not live my life according to His word, my testimony is lacking. If I say that I trust in the Lord and do not tithe and give offerings, my faith is weak. If I am ashamed of my faith in Christ, I have no works within me. Works demonstrate our faith. Works is what God calls the things He does. The apostle James said that, “Faith without works is dead.” The apostle Paul tells Titus that good works are profitable. If there are good works in your life, you will profit from those works. Profit is not the purpose of good works, but it is a byproduct of good works. From living godly in Christ to tithing, I have found that this manner of a life of good works is more than profitable.