
Our Word Is To Be A Sacred Trust

But afterward they changed their minds and made the male and female slaves return, whom they had set free.
(Jeremiah 34:11)
Life is fragile and people are fickle. This is why we, through the passion of the moment, make vows and pledges. We make promises that can only be kept emotionally. It is for this reason that when the slightest trial or temptation comes our way we recant and go back on our word. When we make a vow or a promise to God, He takes it seriously, especially if He ordains it. Ecclesiastes instructs, “Do not be rash with your mouth, and let not your heart utter anything hastily before God.” Nevertheless, when we do, through obedience, make a vow, it must be kept. The only exception is if God releases us of our commitment. We are not to be fickle. We must not attempt to justify our sin. Let us keep our word, even if our word costs us. We cannot afford to violate our word, which is to be a sacred trust.