
Clouds Without Rain

A scoffer seeks wisdom and does not find it, but knowledge is easy to him who understands.
(Proverbs 14:6)
Faultfinders find only fault. They cannot find understanding or wisdom, for they seek it not. The faultfinder passes treasures unknowingly. He or she does not know that their scoffing and mocking brings them nothing but ignorance and reproof. These are those who can quickly tell you why something will not work or why it isn't any good. Instead of seeing the sunset, they see the coming darkness. Instead of worshipping, they complain about the music.
However, those who seek understanding find knowledge and wisdom. They find life’s treasures and are given praise. They see the positive and ignore the negative. They see the sunset and embrace the morning. They love, but mark the faultfinder and ignore his mocking.
In which camp do you find yourself, the camp of understanding or the camp of faultfinding? Or, do you find fault with this simple devotion?
Text For The Day
Proverbs 14:6: A scoffer seeks wisdom and does not find it, but knowledge is easy to him who understands.
Thought For The Day
“Devious people are filled with deceit. Their cause may sound just, their motive honorable, but their hearts are filled with hypocrisy. You know them; they flatter with their lips and smile, but the end result of your affiliation with them brings nothing but strife and trouble. The evidence of their divisiveness will be found in their faultfinding.” Tony Foglio, Daily Devotion 343, December 9, 2001
Questions To Ponder
Morning Study Guide
Defining:  Even though there are more of them than ever, “Scoffer” has unfortunately become a seldom-used, descriptive noun. Webster’s 1828 Dictionary defines Scoff, “To treat with insolent ridicule, mockery or contumelious (rude or contemptible) language; to manifest contempt by derision… To scoff at religion and sacred things is evidence of extreme weakness and folly, as well as of wickedness.”
Referencing: “Cast out the scoffer, and contention will leave; yes, strife and reproach will cease,” Proverbs 22:10.
Applying: Love, but mark the scoffer, especially if that scoffer is you.