
Changing The Manner

I spoke to you in your prosperity, but you said, “I will not hear.” This has been your manner from your youth, that you did not obey My voice.
(Jeremiah 22:21)
It seems that prosperity has its drawbacks. It often causes the youthful mind to become complacent, lazy, arrogant and vulnerable. Prosperity can bring a false sense of security and apathy. It begins to take the good of life for granted. Instead of being thankful, it expects. Instead of being caring it becomes careless. We, at this writing, live in the most prosperous times ever. We have the best of everything available to us: transportation, information, health care, and countless conveniences. Instead of these things causing us to be more thankful to the Creator who supplies them, we have become more sinful. Jeremiah tells us why: we will not hear. We are a generation who rejects the voice of the Lord. We compromise all that has caused us to prosper, the truths of God’s Word. We have become a nation that tolerates everything except the things of God. Let us change our manner and obey His voice and continue to prosper.