
The Fragrance Of Counsel

Ointment and perfume delight the heart, and the sweetness of a man’s friend gives delight by hearty counsel.
(Proverbs 27:9)
Hearty counsel can only be given to a receiving ear. Like perfume, you have to get close enough to enjoy it. The problem arises when we refuse to make ourselves vulnerable. It is risky to allow someone to get close to you. Some ointments and perfumes are not very pleasant. Nevertheless, the risk is not only worthwhile, it is absolutely necessary. We will never enjoy the fragrance of hearty counsel until we are willing to hear it. The reason many do not get to enjoy godly counsel is because they are looking for agreement instead. If you are looking for only one fragrance you will miss the sweet counsel God has intended for you. Therefore get close enough to smell the aroma. Be open and receptive. The fragrance of the past may not be the fragrance that you need today. Likewise, the fragrance of today most likely will not get you to tomorrow.