
Obey The First Exhortation

For I earnestly exhorted… rising early and … saying, “Obey My voice.”
(Jeremiah 11:7)
What has God exhorted you to do? What has He clearly spoken to you? If we do not do the very things God has exhorted us to do, what makes us think that He will give us any further direction? I am convinced that there are only a few reasons for unanswered prayer. The apostle Peter gives one, “Husbands… dwell with (your wives) with understanding, giving honor to the wife, as to the weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life, that your prayers may not be hindered.” Another is disobedience. If we refuse to obey God’s first exhortations why would He entrust us with answered prayer? We must first be about the business of doing what we know to do. You know that you must be born again. You know that you are to be baptized. You know that you are to tithe and give offerings. These are elementary exhortations. Do what you know and listen for further instructions.