
There Is More To Life Than The Weather

He who observes the wind will not sow, and he who regards the clouds will not reap.
(Ecclesiastes 11:4)
There is more to conversation than the weather. It seems that the weather is all many of us have to discuss. If it were not for the weather the days of many would be uneventful. If all we have to give is a weather report, we will not sow many relationships. If we only talk about the clouds, we will never prosper in those relationships. I have observed that successful people seldom notice the weather. If they do, it does not dominate them. The weather is never used as an excuse to be lazy. If the only beautiful days we have are based on the weather, we do not understand the beauty of life and God’s creation. The weather cannot be ignored, but it does not have to dominate your life. As there are umbrellas for the rain and shade for the sun, whether rain or shine there is work to be done.