
The Rod of Correction is a Rod of Love

Do not withhold correction from a child… you shall beat him with a rod, and deliver his soul from hell.
(Proverbs 23:13-14)
The further we get from God and His word the closer we get to anarchy and the demise of civilized society. God knows the nature of His creation. He understands that firm, just loving correction will drive sin and rebellion from any child. “For whom the Lord loves He chastens, and scourges every son whom He receives.” We are to chastise our children because we love them, not because they may be annoying or displeasing to us. Biblical corporal correction is and has been God’s standard for disciplining a rebellious child. Not to follow God’s method and standards is unloving and foolish. All that we know about the things of God we know from His Word the Bible. Not to heed its direction with the training and disciplining of our children is beyond unwise. Go ahead and apply the reasoning of man, go ahead and reject God’s direction and go ahead and reap the fruit of an undisciplined child.