
“Teach Me”

Teach me, and I will hold my tongue; cause me to understand wherein I have erred.
(Job 6:24)
There was neither arrogance nor insolence in Job’s voice. Job knew what he believed and trusted in the one in whom he believed. He did not know whether or not there were any errors in his ways. To the best of his knowledge he was a godly, upright man. Therefore the first request out of his mouth was, “Teach me.” This is the request of not only a godly man, but a wise one as well. Job knew that his life was a mess. He knew that this was not a normal situation. He wanted to know whether he had done anything wrong and if so what. This ought to be the questions we have when life goes awry. Job did not blame anyone. Nevertheless he knew that the things he was suffering had an answer. His faith was revealed when he said, “Though He slay me, yet will I trust Him.” Job simply sought understanding, how about you?