
Are We Losing Our Heritage?

That the generation to come might know… that they may arise and declare them to their children.
(Psalm 78:6)
We are losing our history and our heritage because we are failing to pass our faith and knowledge on to our children. Dare to ask your children about their heritage. Ask them about the history of our nation. Ask them what they know about the Bible and its impact on the constitution. You will most likely find that their heritage is being eroded. The new tolerance does not tolerate our Judeo-Christian virtues. They have been replaced by meaningless humanistic values. Our children are being taught that whatever they value as important and meaningful is to be accepted. We must instruct our children in the virtues of honesty, integrity, godly patriotism and Biblical righteousness. Get your children to read biographies of our founding fathers and religious leaders. Teach them that they may in turn teach their children. If we do not, we may be the heritage that is lost in the next generation.