
Make Your Apology

Then the high priest said, “Are these things so?” And he (Stephen) said, Brethren and fathers, listen…”
(Acts 7:1-2)
If asked, “What do you believe and why do you believe it?” How would you answer? The priests obviously hit Stephen’s “Hot button.” He answer was clear and sure. He knew exactly what he believed and he knew why he believed it. He gave his apology masterfully. It is required of us to be able to give an answer when asked about our beliefs. We are to at least tell others what we know, even if what we know is minuscule. The apostle Peter instructs us to, “Always be ready to give a defense to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you.” What ever we believe to be true or in what ever we are placing our trust, we must be able to defend that belief. If someone askers you why you believe such and such, “Because” is not an acceptable answer. If you cannot answer, you may not truly believe on what you stand.