
The Truth Pays, Lies Will Cost You

A false witness will not go unpunished, and he who speaks lies shall perish.
(Proverbs 19:9)
From stretching the truth with little white lies, to perjury and blatant lying, you can be sure that there will be a price to pay. God has much to say about truth telling and lying. He says, “No lie is of the truth.” And that you can be sure that “Your sin will find you out.” Lying is hard work. Every time we decide to lie, we likewise have to remember the lie. There is no such thing as a one-time lie. Lies have to be lived with for the rest of our lives. They usually reciprocate with even more lies. When we lie, we immediately violate the Word of God and jeopardize the validity of our character. There is no room for lying among God’s people. Lying will by no means go unpunished. I have personally never known a long lasting lie. Sooner or later each will perish. What we say will last forever, therefore let us say only the truth.