
God Gives Visions and Uses Dreamers.

And it shall come to pass… Your young men shall see visions, your old men shall dream dreams.
(Acts 2:17)
We are never too young to receive a godly vision nor are we ever too old to have godly dreams. Show me a young man or woman without vision and I will show you a person without hope. Show me an old man or woman without a dream and I will show you a person already dead. A vision is that which you see in your mind’s eye and hold dear to your heart without ever having experienced it or seen it. A dream is the fruit of an obedient life; it is that which is known and understood. Both can be brought to fruition by obedience, faithfulness and patience. If you are young seek a godly vision. If you are old never stop dreaming. Write out your vision and speak forth your dreams. Stay focused on the vision and hold tightly to your dream. Remember that God gives visions and uses dreamers.