
Understanding Surpasses Knowledge

However they did not obey, but they followed their former rituals.
(2 Kings 17:40)
Albert Einstein suggested that once we obtain knowledge we stop thinking. In a sense, I agree. I see it in the knowledge of doctrine. We acquire it and no longer grow in it. I is no longer questioned nor investigated; it is simply accepted. Nevertheless, there is always at least one thing of which we do not know. Therefore understanding is far greater than knowledge. Knowledge more than often stops the thought process, but understanding will always expands it. It is for this reason that we so often get stuck in our old rituals. These are the things of which we have knowledge; therefore we stop thinking because we imagine that we already know. Knowledge without understanding will cause disobedience. Knowledge without understanding will bring pride. The scriptures are clear; “Knowledge puffs up.” Do not get into the rut of the knowledge of old rituals. But get into the grove of understanding.